First of all I would like to welcome you all to the Official Matt Davies PDP Blog. A lot of time an effort has gone into making this blog possible, I would like to start by thanking the I.T team at Bournemouth University for setting up the computer network, also i would like to thank the system administrator for providing me with my username and password, i would also like to thank the builders who constructed the open access department, without there hard work and solid foundations all of this would not have been impossible. Finally I would like to thank everyone else for turning up at the launch party of my PDP Blog, you are the true Heroes! Thanks to your enthusiasm and hard work we have successfully created a medium
that is capable of mass consumption.
On lookers anxiously waiting outside the open access centre for the first post, all eager to digest the intellectual brilliance of Matt Davies
(Photographed by Bill Watson A.C.S)
that is capable of mass consumption.
On lookers anxiously waiting outside the open access centre for the first post, all eager to digest the intellectual brilliance of Matt Davies
(Photographed by Bill Watson A.C.S)